Monday, January 30, 2012

A Helpful Prayer Guide

While in church yesterday, the pastor gave out this little card with a very helpful guide printed on it. 10 helpful tips on prayer. I thought it was great, so here it is for your edification.

10 Helpful Tips on Prayer

1. Set a starting and ending time for prayer. I have found it helpful to place that time on my daily calendar. It is the time I have reserved to be with God.

2. Find a quiet place where you can be alone with God. God blesses the undistracted pursuit of His presence.

3. When you pray, pray aloud. We have grown accustomed to silent prayer, but praying aloud helps us to concentrate more on what we are praying.

4. Take time to pause before you pray over each request. This allows God to show us how to pray.

5. While patterns of prayer are helpful, allow for freedom when you pray. Some days you may want to spend your entire prayer time in praise and worship. Other days you may spend your entire time praying over your personal needs, while other days you may spend your entire time praying for others or waiting in silence before the Lord. Be flexible!

6. When you pray, play worship music in the background. Worship helps to fill our hearts with faith.

7. If you miss your "scheduled time" with the Lord, trust Him to give you time elsewhere in your day. Remember, God is bigger than time.

8. When you pray, be as specific as possible. This will allow you to see how God answers your requests and you will be encouraged.

9. Take your Bible to prayer. There will be times when God will have you pray through scriptures about your life or the lives of others.

10. Remember, it is ALL about relationship. God wants you to know Him and know His ways. Prayer is not just one more thing to do; it is about spending time with our Best Friend. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Book

Well, it's finally done. The new FREE eBook from A History with God Ministires, "The Believer's Position in RIGHTEOUSNESS and AUTHORITY".  If you've ever wondered what Righteousness and Authority have to do with the life of a believer, you won't ever wonder again after reading this book! This publication is a conversation that took place between God and Frank Sasso over a period of 6 months. It's available by clicking here. Get your copy today and tell us what you got out of it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting off the New Year in His Presence

As we start the new year, we look for things that can help dramatically change our lives.  Sales skyrocket for things like exercise videos, diet plans and self-help books.  Everyone wants to ensure that this new year will be better than the last.  Personally, I think that is a good thing.  Sometimes, all we need is an excuse for a fresh start.  Maybe you are like some people.  You love God and serve Him, but something is lacking.  You have a relationship with Him, but want it to be more intimate.  You talk to Him, but desire to have mutual communication and want His input in every area of your life.

His presence is what you are looking for.  It will change every area of your life.  If you have started spending time in His presence before, but you have stopped for whatever reason, get started again today.  It will revolutionize your life.