I remember wondering and questioning God about this; How did Jesus, being human, how was He able to really love everyone? I mean really...people are not the most lovable creatures. At the time I asked this I really had issues with people. I found them extremely annoying and obnoxious.
I would pray God please give me a house in Maine on 10,000 acres, so I dont have to be near any people. Animals, no problem, people...Gark!
So, one day, years ago, I was watching Oprah. Dr. Phil was on trying to help this couple. The woman (I still remember her name, Rachel) was a, let's see how can I describe her...controlling, nasty, the b- word comes to mind.
Her husband, on the other hand, was a handsome man. He seemed very nice and mild-mannered.
As the show progressed, it was obvious the audience was not liking Rachel. She was extremely hard to like. And there I was right on the band wagon with them...I hated her. She was unloveable, unlikable.
Then the Lord answered my question...remember it? "How can You love everyone?" He said, "I can love everyone because I can see their hearts. I know all their wounds and scars. I know the hurts they suffered that make them unloveable in your eyes."
Then Dr. Phil did his thing and probed into Rachel's life. She told a story of a girl living in a home with a father who berated and ordered her mother around. Rachel, at an young age, decided never to allow a man to treat her that way. She decided she would be the dominant one in a relationship. At that point, my heart broke for this woman. There it was; the hurt, the wounds from a harsh father. I ended up weeping for Rachel, and thanking God for this revelation.
It stopped me cold. It changed everything. My whole perception shifted...Yes, that's it! People are hurt, scarred, wounded...look at the hurting people. What do they need? LOVE! Not love as the world sees it. GOD LOVE.
So simple, so clear.
Ok, so I just finished reading this and cried my eyes out. What a wake up call in the art of treating people. Keep posts like this coming!!