Friday, March 2, 2012

No More Will You Wander!

While on our annual Anniversary trip to Philadelphia, Christina and I went on a 4 hour walking tour of the city. One of the stops was at the Pennsylvania hospital. In the center of the front lawn is a statue of William Penn. The tour guide, Jennifer, told us that John Penn, William's grandson, found it in an antique shop in London and presented to the Hospital 1804. In 1751, the Hospital managers purchased half of the block that bordered Spruce and Pine Streets between 8th and 9th Streets. Several years later, the John Penn and his family donated the other half, a little less than 1 acre, to give the Hospital the full block. 

Why do I mention all of this? Well, "legend" has it that William Penn's "ghost" leaves the perch it's on and the statue walks the grounds of the Hospital at night looking for "his creator". When Jennifer said this, Christina and I looked at each other and knew the truth. This statue doesn't have a ghost. It's a demon! 

Christina and I came back the next day and decided to cast the demon out of the statue. What kind of demon was it? Well, if the statue is always found in weird places in the mornings. (i.e. his feet sticking out of a bush)  

We discerned that it was a demon of mischief.

No long, drawn out thing. No asking permission from anybody. No finding out if this was our "area of influence". Just simply exercising Authority over something we have a right, in Jesus, to exercise Authority over.

Plain and simple.

What do you need to take Authority over in your life today?

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